This effect would also work on other races when they would wear dwarf crafted armour see Turin and the dragon helm of Dor Lomin. Ever since the First Age the Dwarves had a particular resistance to the Uruloki with their 'hideous face guards on their helms' and other superbly crafted armour. I haven't seen any guard uniform or npc gear that I want in particular, but I would love to see some more Great Dwarven Cosmetics. I did know about the PvP Gear with the motif, but to tbh thats pretty unachievable for a casual with limited gametime. Now if only I had 900 Ash! But thats achievable. Thanks for the tip about the Shield box! The White Tree one is exactly what I was looking for. On my way out.Īnd no, the chestpieces from Ettens are not as nice as the Tower Guards in Minas Tirith or their awesome winged helmets, but at least it's something. I tried to find some screenshots of those chestpieces online but coiuldn't find any. The commendations are account bound in premium wallet, so can be used by Your freep characters after. On som servers the creeps form open raids at that time and run around for 30 min to 1 hour and flip keeps etc. Just be online after server reset each morning. They get alot of easy deeds that both unlock maps plus commendations, +500 commendations, +2000 commendations etc early on. Creeps have it alot easier to farm Commendations. To get the Ettens armour I suggest playing a creep. You barter for the Valiant Shield box at Udun from the Curiosity vendor I think the NPC is called, then open that box and chose either a version to wear on You back or as a shield You wield in You offhand. Also now there is a nice black shield with the white tree You can barter for 900 ash. You can get both black medium as well as Heavy Chestpieces with the white tree on them in Ettenmoors. Its such an obvious money spinner, and has been requested several times in the forums now (I did it a while ago). Ive managed to get a cloak & shoulders & 1 Steed, but thats it so far. The lack of Armour & Shields with the white tree motif is still an annoyance to me.